October 17, 2012
Award for Best Employment Practices
Santa Rosa, CA
Language People would like to extend our gratitude for the honor of being chosen as an exemplary employer by your committee. We will continue our mission to strive for excellence and provide a great work environment to our employees. Once again, thank you very much for this recognition and honor.

July 30, 2012
Deaf Nation World Expo
Las Vegas, NV
Las Vegas, Baby! The city that never sleeps was home to the Deaf Nation World Expo this year, and Language People was privileged enough to be a part of it. We had games, prizes, shirts, and made many new friends. We hope to see you there next year!

May 5th, 2012
Deaf Nation Expo
Pomona, CA
Deaf Nation is always a great event and Language People enjoyed joining in for a day of celebrating Deaf Culture. We made new friends, and shared important C.O.P.E. (Citizens Organized to Prepare for Emergencies) information in ASL for the Deaf with the Deaf Community.

April 15th, 2012
5th Annual Sign N' Run Festival
CSUN (California State University Northridge)
Jerry Ferris, EVP of Sales and Marketing, and other Language People staff got out to support the 5th Annual Sign N Run Festival at CSUN.

December 2011
Language People is proud to announce its new twitter page with feeds from our friends, coworkers and clients. Please visit and follow if you have the chance: twitter.com/languagepeople
October 5th – 7th, 2011
Washington DC
CJA's 6th annual conference showcased how communities are Improving Health and Eliminating Disparities in an Age of Healthcare Reform. The implementation of national healthcare reform has vast implications for local delivery systems, public health services, and financing methods.
Language People is very pleased to help provide information and tools to successfully implement healthcare reform, ensure positive health outcomes for ALL, and reduce costs.
August 31st – September 1st, 2011
NAWBO Women’s Business Conference
San Diego, CA
The NAWBO Women’s Business conference provides women business owners and prospective business owners with personal and professional business development opportunities to take their businesses to the next level of success. The annual conference brings together businesses of all sizes from all industries to celebrate women business owners.
Language People, as a Woman Owned Business, found it very rewarding to be at the event and help empower women to continue building their successes as female business owners. The WBC gives participants opportunities for high-level education, tangible takeaways and connections to help them power themselves and their business.
October 21, 2011
EDC Southern California Golf Event 2011
Temecula, CA
Ben Miller and a few Language People friends had the pleasure of attending this tournament. It was great to meet with some of our new neighbors and relax with a few holes of Golf.

Founded in 1991, The EDC is a private/public partnership that promotes Southwest California regional economic development through business retention and development, job opportunities, and related economic growth. The EDC is dedicated to expanding the competitive position of the regional businesses in a global economy.
Language People was very excited at the opportunity to meet with such organizations as RBF Consulting, The City of Temecula, The City of Murrieta, and Murrieta Development. While LP had a few friendly faces to greet everyone on hole 11, the LP golf team competed in the tournament.
October 2011
DeafNation Expo
Pleasanton, CA
Language People was proud to attend the Deaf Nation Expo in Pleasanton, CA on October 8th, 2011. Over 4,000 Deaf individuals gathered to promote and celebrate Deaf Culture. Language People shared information about our products and services and important Emergency Preparedness information in our COPE video and 911deaf.com
October 2011
Communities Joined in Action
Washington DC
CJA's 6th annual conference showcased how communities are Improving Health and Eliminating Disparities in an Age of Healthcare Reform. The implementation of national healthcare reform has vast implications for local delivery systems, public health services, and financing methods.
Exponential increases in the cost of healthcare services and the nation’s current fiscal climate require bold action to design a sustainable platform that provides high quality care at lower costs thus addressing the underlying causes of health problems in our increasingly diverse communities.
Language People is very pleased to help provide information and tools to successfully implement healthcare reform, ensure positive health outcomes for ALL, and reduce costs.